Video games have been around for quite some time now, which are constantly evolving over the years. The next big thing for the gaming industry are the Virtual Reality setups. Currently the main three VR setups are the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and the PlayStation Vr. Virtual reality headsets were a popular Christmas present this past year, and starting to become a more common household object.
Currently, game developers have not jumped on board the VR bandwagon. According to an IB Times article published this past month, a survey of gaming developers and publishers resulted in the following data:
Only about 30 percent of game developers are actually working on titles for VR platforms
33 percent are developing titles for Vive
24 percent are developing title for the Oculus Rift
15 percent plan to publish titles for the PlayStation platform
It’s only a matter of time until more developers start developing their games to be played within virtual reality, especially with more and more video game streamers/youtubers out there playing the VR systems. Game developers and producers can utilize those streamers to their advantage by getting free advertising with their games being played by popular streamers.
We have the Oculus Rift setup in the store now for customers to try it out ($15 for 30mins) and get a feel for what’s to come with the gaming lounge and experience VR without having to spend thousands of dollars on all the equipment to get it in their own house. So far everyone who has tried the VR at the store has fallen in love with it. Have you played any of the VR systems out there? If so, how was your experience?
We feel certain that VR will be the way of future gaming. Everyone always wishes they could be inside the game and actually doing the actions that their character can, well now they can.
If you would like to come into the store and try out the VR setup here, feel free to stop on by anytime we are open and give it a whirl! If you mention this article we’ll even give you a free 15 minute trial!